Life can change in an instant, as Nina Anders discovered one sunny morning after dropping her daughter off at the bus stop. That morning, she realized her daughter would soon be leaving for college, her twenty five year marriage wasn’t working, and she was no longer inspired by the company she had founded fifteen years earlier. Nine months later, she and her daughter moved to a nearby town where a new chapter as a single mom in her fifties was unfolding.  
As the dust from the divorce settled, Nina embarked on finding herself, reconnecting spiritually and mapping out a new future for herself. Seeing there was no real guidance for women in their fifties and beyond, Nina decided to start her award winning blog, Sharing A Journey, a life/style blog for women over 50. The blog covers fashion, beauty, and lifestyle topics for women looking to live their best lives during their middle years. To follow along, or join in, you can follow Nina’s blog here, on Instagram @sharing_a_journey, Pinterest, Facebook and YouTube at sharingajourney. Sign on to the Sharing A Journey weekly newsletter and get Nina’s shopping tips here:

Read Nina’s Articles:

The Coastal Grandma Chic Trend

Lifestyle Thought Leader: Nina Anders It all started out innocently. My daughter, who works with [...]

Lifestyle Changes Can And Should Impact Your Wardrobe Choices

Lifestyle Thought Leader: Nina Anders When my daughter was born, I was fully prepared for [...]

Keep Your Current Style Or Ditch It?

Lifestyle Kuel Category Expert: Nina Anders In my last two posts, I wrote about one [...]

What A Middle-Aged Woman Might Wear

Lifestyle Kuel Category Expert: Nina Anders In my last post here on Kuel Life, I [...]

Having A Fashion Crisis In Middle Age?

Lifestyle Kuel Category Expert: Nina Anders I think I was around 55 when I realized [...]
