Alistair Batsell-Young lives her truth.
At a ‘young’ 63 she fights the good fight as an equal rights advocate. Her focus on the underserved and people of color is critically needed currently.
Alistair is an action taker; always looking toward the next phase of her life. This Sunday’s Share Your Story woman is rich in principle. There are some great nuggets of wisdom to glean from Alistair. Enjoy.
KUELLIFE: What are you pursuing now, at this stage of your life, that surprises you or might appear to others as if it comes out of left field?
ALISTAIR: Equal rights advocate. I have always been a big advocate and coach for a healthy lifestyle. Now coming to the forefront, I’m taking a broader scope to include mental health, especially for people of color and those underserved communities.
KUELLIFE: What’s a typical day like for you?
“I work my list.”
ALISTAIR: Well…that’s a loaded question at this time in history! I usually plan my days and weeks. With the unrest from the pandemic of COVID19 to the racial unrest, to be honest–I plan less. With breaking news every day, it leaves me a little distracted. And, I don’t watch TV! Only the nightly news to catch the synopsis of the day’s events. Most of my news and updates are online sources. It tends to give me more detail to evaluate the situation. My opportunity to decipher without the emotion, expression, etc., from pundits and reporters. Now to answer your questions, I work my list. I make a goal list each month and each week outline what tasks to accomplish that week. Starting early each day with a walk or jog, spiritual meditation. The work—1st emails read, then on to my list of work items. One thing I do try very hard to do is separate my “in” days and “out” days. Working at home needs discipline and I try to fit all my appointments, errands, etc. in one or two days. I get a lot more done when I stay in and work all day without interruption.
KUELLIFE: With what do you struggle?
ALISTAIR: Resting. I practice yoga and meditate– it has a time in the morning, then it’s work for the rest of the day. My husband says I don’t know how to relax and do nothing. He’s right. That’s why vacations are crucial for me. Or, should I say “were” crucial for me. Now, I try to use Sundays as my rest day and not touch anything work related. I love to work as long as I love my work.
KUELLIFE: How do you motivate yourself and stay motivated?
ALISTAIR: I typically don’t have a problem with motivation. Except when it’s something I REALLY don’t like to do. Like accounting work. Then it’s a reward system. I set a time table. When I get it completed, I treat myself to something special.
KUELLIFE: What advice would you give fellow women about aging?
“Stop using the word “old” when describing yourself or thinking about yourself.”
ALISTAIR: Stop using the word “old” when describing yourself or thinking about yourself. Age is only a number on the scale of life. How you feel is what counts. Work at and think about staying healthy, less about what number you are. I seldom use the word “old” as it relates to someone’s age. I say “more mature in years”. Spoken words are so powerful. Especially those you say to yourself.
KUELLIFE: What does vulnerability mean to you? What has the ability to make you.
ALISTAIR: Vulnerability is an emotion we sometimes have; personally, physically, emotionally, socially. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad emotion. It can be a learning tool. When it relates to social vulnerability for a group of people, that’s another matter.
KUELLIFE: What are three events that helped to shape your life?
ALISTAIR: Spending my early childhood in South Dakota living on an Indian School campus. My dad’s car accident that left him partially paralyzed. Breast Cancer.
KUELLIFE: Who influenced you the most in life and why?
ALISTAIR: My parents and my faith. My parents were strong, resourceful, determined and spoke up for what they believed. And, my spirituality keeps me steady, hopeful, and at peace.
KUELLIFE: What is the best advice you’ve been given from another woman?
ALISTAIR: Be real. Treat others as you want to be treated. You never know what someone has been through so don’t judge. (Even though I have to catch myself from time to time ☺ )
KUELLIFE: What woman inspires(inspired) you and why?
ALISTAIR: Maya Angelou. Her words are powerful, truthful and full of insight.

KUELLIFE: Are you grown-up?
ALISTAIR: NO! That’s way too much responsibility. Probably won’t be until I leave this earth. Having a bit of child-like nature keeps me inspired and adventurous.
KUELLIFE: What do you do for self-care?
ALISTAIR: Walks, meditation, yoga, organic whole food.
KUELLIFE: And last but definitely NOT least: What are the top three things on your bucket list?
ALISTAIR: Well….that has now changed. This is not typical but…. #1Stay healthy, #2 Work another 10 years building a health & wellness business to help the underserved community and being able to travel along the way. I love to travel and experience new cultures and places. I think that’s 2&3. Maybe this is more a list of priorities???
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I loved meeting Alistair at FierceCon!! She is such an inspiration.
Me too, Jodie. She’s super KUEL!