Kuel Contributor


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Beverley Glazer MA.,ICCAC is a Mindset Coach and Therapist who’s helped 1000s of women who’ve been knocked down by life, to reconnect the missing links, and become more fulfilled and powerful than they could ever imagine, for over 30 years. She’s as a clinician, coach, speaker, educator, writer, entrepreneur, former talk-radio host and host of her acclaimed weekly podcast, “Aging with Purpose and Passion” which is aligned with her mission, that it is never too late to reinvent yourself and become who you’ve always imagined. So, if you’ve been feeling that something is missing – it is. There’s no need to be another statistic – unfulfilled and living with regret. Do you need a quick twist in thinking? Or a magical mentor in your corner to give you expert professional advice? Who do you want to be this year? Let’s have a conversation. https://calendly.com/reinventimpossible/15min

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