Small Space Fitness: Cat Corchado Benefits of walking, at any age are important, and it is especially essential for us...
Midlife Matters: Diane Amelia Read Proprioception is a big word, but what does it mean and why is it critical...
Small Space Fitness: Cat Corchado So we're going to talk what women should eat before and after exercise. Watch It...
Small Space Fitness: Cat Corchado Let's talk the hidden dangers of sitting. This is Cat Corchado, your movement specialist. And...
Small Space Fitness: Cat Corchado Hey there, it's Cat Corchado here, diving into the world of small space Pilates and...
Simplicity & Connection Thought Leader: Kay Newton At 62, many might think it's time to slow down. But for me,...
Small Space Fitness: Cat Corchado Perimenopause and menopause are natural phases in a woman’s life that mark the end of...
Ageless Adventures: Wendy Deacon It’s well known that “April showers bring May flowers”. But have you thought about what you’re...
Small Space Fitness: Cat Corchado Embarking on a fitness journey is often seen as a linear progression towards a goal:...
Simplicity & Connection Thought Leader: Kay Newton There's nothing quite like experiencing a profound lightbulb moment, regardless of age –...
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