There is power in story telling. There is power in community. There is power in sharing. The more we know about one another; the more we understand; the more powerful we become.
This is Kimberly’s.
What are you pursuing now, after 50, that surprises you or might appear to others as if it’s come out of left field?
KIMBERLY: This classic liberal arts major has made a career out of building digital media companies, but is presently pursuing her Series 7, 63 and 82 certifications, and I can tell you that it ain’t pretty!
KUEL LIFE: What’s a typical day like for you?
KIMBERLY: Tons of iced coffee, reading, reviewing the latest updates in blockchain, studying for a securities exam, working with clients to update their marketing, business development and pro forma presentations … and hanging with my securities tutor at the library feeling like a 14 year-old struggling to pass Algebra I 😉
KUEL LIFE: With what do you struggle?
KIMBERLY: Attempting to shovel 36 hours into a 24 hour cycle: there is still so much to learn and do.
KUEL LIFE: How do you motivate yourself and stay motivated?
KIMBERLY: My parents gave me a strong sense of self, and my husband celebrates me every single day.
KUEL LIFE: What advice would you give fellow women about aging?
KIMBERLY: Aging is an incredible journey, and not one to be feared as long as you have done your best to take care of your temporary vessel. You’re best off ignoring Madison Avenue in general.
KUEL LIFE: What does vulnerability mean to you? What has the ability to make you vulnerable?
KIMBERLY: Vulnerability to me is a matter of being frank and honest about perceived and actual shortcomings, and coming to terms with the inevitability of both.
KUEL LIFE: What are three events that helped to shape your life?
KIMBERLY: My parents raised me without expectation or stereotypes as to what I might achieve. Flunking Algebra I in high school taught me humility. Meeting my husband and work partner taught me all about collaboration and intimacy.
KUEL LIFE: Who influenced you the most in life and why?
KIMBERLY: Sister Mary Catherine was a residential advisor in the convent I boarded at for two years in Nassau. Her example of open-mindedness and acceptance and genuine curiosity set my future path.
KUEL LIFE: What is the best advice you’ve been given from another woman?
KIMBERLY: If you maintain your weight and stay away from preservatives, you will age well.
KUEL LIFE: What woman inspires you and why?
KIMBERLY: Marie Curie — never say never. Sojourner Truth — never say never. Dolores Huerta — never say never. Dame Doris Johnson — the strongest tools of a revolution need not include ammunition. Mae Macmillan — read, read, read, be observant and kind.
Elisabeth Oesterlein, Salem College’s very first teacher — an educated woman is a work of art. My circle of friends, for being committed and active and proactive and thoughtful.
KUEL LIFE: Are you grown-up?
KIMBERLY: I take breaks every now and then to play with my inner 11 year old.
KUEL LIFE: What do you do for self-care?
KIMBERLY: Yoga, ten bites ketogenic diet, live music, laughter, gardening, cycling, museum hopping, water colour painting and reading.
KUEL LIFE: And last but definitely NOT least: What are the top three things on your bucket list?
KIMBERLY: Build several strong companies, help create economic development opportunities throughout the Bahamas and Caribbean, make enough money so that my husband can retire and run a small theatre company.
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