Fashion Fridays, Kuel Life Thought Leader: Tracy Gold
What if we could have an entire closet of clothes that fit?
Do you spend a lot of time and money shopping for clothes, but you feel like you have nothing to wear? You see a dress you like and you buy it, but it’s not exactly right and needs alterations. You either take it in for alteration and pay an additional amount or it ends up in the back of your closet forgotten and unworn.
If you do tailor it, you may find you only have a few occasions to wear it because it’s a little too sexy for work or too dressy for weekend. So you buy another dress that is more suitable for work and another that is perfect for weekend. Again, they may need to be tailored to make them fit properly.
“The shame you may feel because you bought yet another item of clothing you were hoping was going to make you look and feel good in your body, but didn’t.”
Time And Money:
If you calculate the price tags, plus the time and money it cost to get them tailored, how much did you really pay? What about the untailored clothes at the back of your closet with the tags still on them? What is the true cost of these?
We often look at the price tag of an item and think that is what you pay to have it. But the actual cost is higher. Then there is the emotional cost. The regret of buying clothes you never or hardly wear. The shame you may feel because you bought yet another item of clothing you were hoping was going to make you look and feel good in your body, but didn’t.
Sound familiar?
Having heard many women’s stories of wardrobes full of clothing with nothing to wear, I can tell you that you are not alone. This is why I set out to find solutions. I set out to help you have a simpler wardrobe of a few items that you love. A closet with clothing that makes you feel fantastic, even if you are having a bloated day. Clothing that actually works for you and not you trying so hard to fit into the clothes.
But how?
5 Steps To A Wardrobe Full Of Clothes That Fit:
1. Figure Out What Works For The Body You Have Now:
Even with all it’s ups and downs during hormonal changes. When you wear clothes that suit the body you have now, it is so much easier to come to peace and even love the body you have today.
2. Know What You Need In A Fit:
If the item doesn’t meet your criteria, send it back. If it needs tailoring, be honest with yourself about whether it is worth the extra time and money.
3. Where Are You Going To Wear It?
Unless you have a really special occasion that warrants a wear once kind of dress, only buy an item if you can dress it up or down for various occasions. Be careful of buying an item for the lifestyle you wish you had instead of the one you actually have.
“Be careful of buying an item for the lifestyle you wish you had instead of the one you actually have.”
4. What Are You Going To Wear It With?
If it’s a skirt you love, do you have tops to wear with the skirt or do you have to buy a top especially to go with it? Opt for pieces that mix and match rather than creating singular outfits.
5. Count The Real Cost:
It is worth spending a little more on a few good pieces that work for your changing body shape, can be dressed up and down for various occasions and make you look and feel like you can take on the world.
That girlfriend is worth the price tag!
For more watch this video:
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About the Author:
Television personality, fashion designer and stylist Tracy Gold’s newly launched talk show, Tracy Gold Show, is inspiring women over 40 to look and feel fabulous regardless of age. A born entrepreneur, Tracy has enjoyed success as a fashion designer, YouTube influencer and QVC fashion presenter.
After launching her own fashion line in 2003 out of the trunk of her car, Tracy now has a worldwide customer base clamoring for her next TGNY fashion release. A powerful social media influencer, Tracy’s YouTube channel Tracy Gold Fashion Tips has more than 20,000 subscribers with over 2 million views. To work one-on-one with Tracy click The Wear 3 Ways Dress – The Dress that ALWAYS Fits is available on an exclusive offer.