Care Giver Kuel Category Expert: Lisa Gates
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR “ME” LATELY? Remember that catchy tune by Janet Jackson? Well, it is time for caregivers to ask that of themselves!
Your “inner voice” is calling you. “There used to be a time you would pamper me” as the song goes…. ok, Covid halted some “me” time. But we are now slowly getting back into some “modified” normalcy.
First, find the things you enjoy……it could be as simple as reading a book, taking some time for meditation, walking on the beach, or pampering yourself with a spa day or haircut. Personally, I always look forward to a day at the salon! Whatever it is……make and take the TIME. It is so important for caregivers to take care of themselves as well as care for their loved ones. I do not have time is not a valid answer – make time. You must remember to care for yourself. I mentioned resources in previous articles, let me take some time to revisit.
Find Local Resources:
There are local associations in every city and country depending on your loved one’s diagnosis. It could also be a temporary situation that your loved one is in. There are plenty of resources for caregivers. Some are funded through Medicare and/or Medicaid (if you qualify and it is ordered by a physician or social service agency) and others are private pay. Home health agencies can provide an array of services ranging from companions to caregivers and nurses.
“These agencies also offer educational programs to learn more”
Below are a few great resources:
- Alzheimer’s Association (national organization with multiple local offices)
- American Cancer Society
- State Respite Coalitions – ARCH National Respite Network
- Veteran Associations
- Area Agency on Aging
- Dept. of Elder Affairs
- Senior Companions sponsored by Senior Corps.
- PACE Programs
- Adult Day Health Centers
- Second Wind Dreams (A national nonprofit located in Roswell, GA that offer online programs)
Get the picture? Help is on the way. One just needs to ask! In addition, these agencies also offer educational programs to learn more about what progression/advancements have been made regarding a certain illness and serve as support.
Phone A Friend:
“maintaining our woman friends is important and invaluable”
Reach out to that trusted friend to ask for help or just chat. Nurture your friendships. They want to hear from you but may feel guilty calling or do not want to bother you. And, for those that have friends who are caregivers, take the initiative and invite them to lunch or simply pay them a visit. It is so important to stay in touch. It will also make you both feel good that you took time for one another. I believe it is important for all women to have a “gal pal” that they frequently meet for lunch or someone to keep in touch with. Regardless, if you are taking care of someone the continuation of maintaining our woman friends is important and invaluable. Again I say, remember to care for yourself, everyone wins.
We Want To Hear From You:
“We can address issues that are important to our readers”
These caregiver articles are published quarterly. Topics are randomly selected. Please share some topics that are important to you. What do you feel YOU need as a caregiver? That is where the magic happens! We can address issues that are important to our readers. Is there a resource or activity that you wish your community offered? And lastly, is there something that you need some direction or help with? If you answered “yes” to just one of those questions, I want to hear from you!
Have specific requests? Happy to oblige. Drop me a line at
About the Author:
Lisa Gates has worked within the senior living industry for eight years as an Administrator for an adult day health program and served in various sales and marketing capacities with Brookdale Senior Living. She has helped numerous families navigate through their journey as a caregiver, with an emphasis on dementia and Alzheimer’s. In addition, she has held numerous sales and consulting roles within the real estate and hospitality industry. She is the Co-founder and CEO of a nonprofit (501-c-3) Metamorphosis-3, which was created in 2019. Its mission is to provide programs for isolated seniors, caregivers, and intergenerational programs. This nonprofit will provide services in all geographic areas.