Gratitude Expert: Lori Saitz When was the last time you received a thank you card or gift delivered to your...
Brain Health Expert: Patricia Faust Over this past year, I have been teaching and coaching about being resilient in the...
Money Expert: Melissa Ternes You’re standing in the store, admiring a beautiful item … what do you say to yourself?...
Elder Care Expert: Cynthia Perthuis Are you caregiving for a loved one with dementia or another disease - a partner,...
Sexuality Expert: Beth Keil Do you remember the song by Shakira, “Hips Don’t Lie”? Dear Ladies, Neither Do Our Orgasms:...
Money Expert: Karen McAllister People are far more open about their sex lives than their money lives. This is according...
Gratitude Kuel Category Expert: Lori SaitzA Guided Meditation on Gratitude For What Is:If you're anything like me, you know meditation...
Beauty Expert: Elise Marquam-Jahns It’s always fun to begin Spring by trying out some new products we’ve had on our...
The Let Go: Charisse Glenn Words are the power we have to create the worlds we want. Using words to...
Holistic Healing Expert: Carol Lee It’s almost 4 years since I dropped the white and beige food; sugar and processed...
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