Fashion Fridays, Kuel Life Thought Leader: Tracy Gold
Who knew that your bra size during menopause can change?
Suddenly your bra may be feeling so uncomfortable that you just want to rip it off! If this is you, then it may be time to change your bra size. During perimenopause and menopause, we tend to focus on the changes to our tummies. But what about our breasts?
Lately, my bras have felt so uncomfortable. Having always had small breasts, it never occurred to me that my breast would grow at this age. But they suddenly feel fuller and I have this very weird back fat thing happening, especially around my bra strap.
I decided it was time to remeasure for bras. I tell my clients all the time that if you experience weight loss or gain that you need to check your bra measurements as bras can make such a huge difference to how clothing looks. So why would it be different for me?
Well it isn’t.
But in this process I learned a few things that I’d like to share.
“I decided it was time to remeasure for bras.”
5 Tips To Finding Your Right Bra Size During Menopause:
1. Always Follow The Instructions On How To Measure For Your Bra Size:
Most good online bra boutiques have a tool that helps you meausure. It will take you through the steps. Follow them to the tee. The one I used said I should measure wearing a bra with very little padding and push up. I measured naked and well… got a very strange bra size result. When I did it again the proper way I got a completely different result, but one that made sense. If you follow the instructions and the recommended bra size sounds really weird, use the chat option and chat to a consultant online.
2. The Time Of The Month Also Matters:
If you are perimenopausal and still have periods, then you may have times of the month that your breasts are fuller. My PMS symptoms seem to last forever these days, which makes me think that it’s worth getting a bigger bra even if I just wear it during these times. Remember, you don’t have to suffer.
3. If You Are Experiencing ‘Back Fat’ Around Your Bra Strap:
You may only need strap extensions. This is a cheap and easy way to make your bras more comfortable. This also helps to smooth everything out.
4. When You Get Your Bigger Bra:
Remember that the strap is going to be smaller than your old one, even if the strap size is the same. Bras are made of very stretch fabric and they stretch over time. So get the bra strap extensions to help you ease into your new bra. It’s worth it!
“So get the bra strap extensions to help you ease into your new bra. It’s worth it!”
5. Wider Back Straps Can Make Things So Much More Comfortable:
If you do find your back bra strap is creating the ‘back fat’ effect, try a wider strap.
One last word on wearing a bra correctly.
If you are like me, you get dressed in a hurry. There is so much benefit to putting your bra on correctly. Once you are strapped in, pick up your breast and place it in the cup. Check where your back strap is sitting. Most of us wear them too high up. Adjust your shoulder straps if they are slipping. Again, remember that your bra stretches and your body is going through changes every day. Putting your bra on correctly can make a big difference to how your clothes look. Take a minute. It’s worth it!
So I’ve decided to celebrate my bigger cup size and hey, maybe all the perimenopausal body changes are all that bad.
To see these tips in action watch this video:
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About the Author:
Television personality, fashion designer and stylist Tracy Gold’s newly launched talk show, Tracy Gold Show, is inspiring women over 40 to look and feel fabulous regardless of age. A born entrepreneur, Tracy has enjoyed success as a fashion designer, YouTube influencer and QVC fashion presenter. After launching her own fashion line in 2003 out of the trunk of her car, Tracy now has a worldwide customer base clamoring for her next TGNY fashion release. A powerful social media influencer, Tracy’s YouTube channel Tracy Gold Fashion Tips has more than 20,000 subscribers with over 2 million views. To work one-on-one with Tracy click