Time To Reinvent: Beverley Glazer
December is the month of chaos, where everything collides—work projects you’re scrambling to finish, holiday plans that demand your attention, and a million little tasks that seem to multiply overnight.
On top of that, you’re probably reflecting on the past year while trying to envision a brighter, better version of yourself for next year.
Those self-improvement resolutions are already brewing. Lose weight; find balance; a new job. Sound familiar?
But surface-level resolutions aren’t the answer. They feel satisfying in the moment, but lasting change comes from the inside out. It starts with how you ‘think’ and ‘feel’. It starts with dismantling those limiting beliefs and giving yourself permission to live with abundance and joy.
5 Transformative Practices To End the Year with Purpose and Joy This December:
If you’re ready to create something deeper, more meaningful, and truly aligned with your values, here are five heartfelt practices I share with my clients. They’re not about ‘doing’ more; they’re about ‘being more.’
“Think of rest as an act of self-respect.”
1. Rest Like You Deserve It:
I know – Your to-do list is miles long, and the idea of slowing down feels like a luxury you can’t afford. But rest isn’t just about taking a break. It’s about intentionally creating space to reset your energy, your mindset, and your heart.
Think of rest as an act of self-respect. When you give yourself permission to rest, you’re not being lazy; you’re honoring the fact that you ‘matter.’ Schedule a rest period, like you would any other commitment. Rest does not have to be sleep—it could be a walk, journaling, or even just sitting with your thoughts in silence.
Rest isn’t a reward. It’s a necessity. And you are worthy of taking a break.
2. Reflect With Compassion:
Take a moment to sit with yourself—not to judge or criticize, but to understand. Ask yourself:
What brought me happiness this year?
What drained me?
What patterns am I ready to let go of?
This isn’t about beating yourself up for what didn’t go perfectly. It’s about finding clarity. It’s about recognizing the lessons and choosing to move forward with intention. —
3. Define Success on Your Own Terms:
It’s easy to get caught up in society’s checklist—bigger paychecks, better titles, perfectly balanced lives. But real success doesn’t come from ticking off someone else’s boxes. It comes from living in alignment with what matters to you.
Take a moment to reflect:
What makes me feel alive?
What do I value most?
What does success ‘feel’ like—not just look like?
When you define success on your own terms, you start building a life that feels fulfilling instead of one that just looks impressive on the outside.
4. Find Your Flow:
Balance is a beautiful idea, but it’s not always practical. Life is messy and unpredictable. Some weeks, work will demand more of you. Other weeks, your family or your own self-care will take center stage.
Instead of striving for perfection, aim for harmony. Let the ebb and flow of life guide you. What matters is being present with whatever is most important in the moment.
“Instead of striving for perfection, aim for harmony.”
5. Lean Into Joy and Curiosity:
Joy is a game-changer. It gives you the energy and clarity to tackle life’s challenges. It connects you to what matters most. And it’s often found in the simplest things—a laugh with a friend, a hobby you’ve been neglecting, or even just trying something new just for the fun of it.
Ask yourself:
What makes me feel alive?
What am I curious about?
How can I bring more happiness into my everyday life?
When you prioritize happiness, your day-to-day life becomes more manageable.
Your New Year Starts Today:
Change doesn’t begin on January 1st. It starts the moment you decide to show up for yourself and for the life you want to create.
So, take a deep breath; rest, reflect and grant yourself permission to do things differently this year. You don’t need a checklist or a resolution to begin. All you need is the courage to take one small, intentional step forward to stop striving and start living. Now is the time to follow your heart and embrace what truly matters – You’ve got this!
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About the Author:
Beverley Glazer MA., CCC., ICCAC, is a Psychotherapist, Internationally Certified Addiction Specialist, Coach and Founder of Reinvent Impossible Inc; a personal development company that educates, coaches, and empowers women who’ve experienced life transitions, that left them feeling powerless, to build on their strengths, create new possibilities and get the fresh start they long for.
After 30 years in private practice, helping people through traditional therapy, she turned her attention to coaching; supporting and creating programs for women in midlife and beyond, who’ve had an extreme wake-up call, to unlock their potential, get grounded and focused and carve a clear pathway to the future, with grace and ease.
Download the free Life Perspective Inventory here. Discover the eight areas that you need, to make your life more joyful. Are you ready to transform your journey? Take this simple Reinvention Readiness Quiz to find out. Don’t just survive— it’s your time to shine and thrive! For more insights and tips on how to tap into your full potential, sign up for Beverley’s free Weekly Self-Coaching tips at https://www.ReinventImpossible.com Take a deep breath, tune into your intuition, and seize the day with everything you’ve got.