Midlife Shaman: Maria da Silva
The flu season is here.
January is known for colds and flu. Yet no one wants to be sick. Ever. Nonetheless, it happens, and I believe illness arrives to teach us something: either slow down – or – complete stop.
Recently when the fever and chills showed up, I took to the couch with mugs of steaming tea on days one and two. Day three and beyond found me in bed with a pile of books. An entire week of pajama wear. (Boy, my pajamas have seen better days!)
The Flu Season Allows Us To Rest And Cancel:
An entire week of re-scheduling and outright cancellations.
Cancel the once a year dermatology appointment? O.K. I can do that. Cancel my hair appointment? Oh no! That’s a tough one. Because I even want to look good in my p.j.’s.Â
Cancel a spa day to celebrate my birthday week? Yup. I had to do that, too.
But to cancel my very own birthday party with friends?! That was the toughest cancellation of all!
“The Flu, my new Teacher, was also reiterating that nothing is more important than my health and well-being.”
The Flu, My New Teacher:
Last straw, flu virus. I succumbed to the mantra of Rest & Cancel. Not only was my body telling me to remain in a reclined position, it was also telling me I was super over-scheduled on the week before Christmas!
The flu, my new teacher, was also reiterating that nothing is more important than my health and well-being. Not a spa day or even a birthday celebration with BFFs and presents!
Slow Down And Don’t Overbook:
Slow down for goodness sake. Maybe an afternoon on the couch with a mug of tea or even an entire day in bed with a book is not decadence but a deep desire. And deep desires must be listened to or they will wake us up another way.
“Self-care takes many forms.”
I don’t have to book an expensive spa day or even a spa vacation to feel pampered, taken care of, and rejuvenated. Although those are lovely, I can also stay right at home and do it myself.
Self-care takes many forms. My plan is to listen to the messages of my body every single day in 2025, and not only when illness is knocking at the door. Next time I will not wait for the flu season to come again. I will gratefully accept its teachings in advance.Â
Even before an illness strikes, I will rest, treat myself, lighten up on my schedule at busy times, and buy myself some comfy and pretty new pajamas.
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About the Author:
Maria da Silva is a practicing shaman, writer and traveler who lives in Plymouth, Massachusetts and travels frequently to her home islands of the Azores. The founder of Wise Shaman Within, she is bringing peace, healing, and light to the world one client and one workshop at a time. Maria provides individual client sessions and also facilitates workshops in both the USA and Portugal. Visit her website: Wise Shaman Within.