As I sat at the Florence, Italy airport waiting patiently for the employees of Iberia to show up to work last Sunday morning, I found myself filling up with all sorts of feels.Â
Seems like there’s a great deal of buzz at our age around manifestation and staying present. Recognizing that we are, in fact, living our chosen lives. That we no longer are waiting for, or looking towards, that moment. The moment is now. How to live an expansive life is there for us for the taking.
“Can we see ourselves in any of the women who put their credit card down, their fear in check, and their butts on planes. Who are these badasses!?!”
I spent a full week with five other women. None who I had ever laid eyes on before arriving in Italy. Yes, of course, Kuel Life Travel Thought Leader, Leslie and I have been collaborating, planning, and executing this 7+ day adventure in Tuscany. But between the pandemic and some very big geography distances between us – think Austria and the United States – we never had met. I was not the only woman who threw herself into the fray of spending a full week with a group of basically strangers.Â
So who shows up for something like this and what is the reward?
Well, let’s take a looksie shall we? Can we see ourselves in any of the women who put their credit card down, their fear in check, and their butts on planes. Who are these badasses!?! Do they possess something the rest of us don’t? Well, let me tell you I think we will all see a tiny bit of ourselves in one or more of these powerhouses. And I know that I know we are all capable of great and daring deeds.
We ran the gamut, in age, from 52 to 67. From peri menopausal to well past. Happily married. Unhappily married. Newly divorced. The divorce in the distant rear- view mirror. Healthy. Sick. Working. Retired. Empty nest. Teens at home. Religious. Not.
In A Group Of Six, We Had It All:
“the one common denominator, the fact we all self-selected into that unknown experience turns out to be the key ingredient for success”
On paper one may wonder how did such a motley crew fare with so much time together. Add to that we had seasoned travelers and someone who had never been to Europe before. If you’re thinking that this sounds like a recipe for disaster- I don’t blame you. Even I can see the potential for a flamboyant failure.
And while I’ve enumerated the many differences among us, the one common denominator, the fact we all self-selected into that unknown experience turns out to be the key ingredient for success. How to live an expansive life in some ways is as easy as showing up. Despite the fact that some women wanted more shopping, some less. A few would have preferred more downtime or less formal tours. The reality is there is no organized group experience that is a perfect fit for all. Yet that didn’t matter. The less than perfect itinerary, instead of detracting for me, added another layer of growth and fulfillment.Â
Grace And Boundaries CoExist:
It gave us the opportunity to practice our boundaries and accept grace in the moments not of our choosing. Whether we opted out, or participated and were surprised with unexpected delight, the events of the week expanded our palettes of experiences. Just when many of us are fearful that with age comes less opportunity, less novel experiences, I am here to tell you the opposite.
“It’s that we were curious, open, and non-judgemental. Right there. That’s the key to expansion”
Each of us, just by showing up, promised one another an open spirit, a willingness to accept novel events, and brought a treasure trove of trust. Trust in Kuel Life, yes. But, more importantly, trust in themselves.
We laughed – and I’m not talking your polite chuckle – I’m talking tears streaming/belly sore laughter. We cried when sharing our lives, victories, failures, frustrations, and desires. And we teased and lovingly showed one another that we were paying attention. Really leaning in to learn from one another and to better understand our individual mountain climbs.
It’s not like we were all alike or on the same path with similar obstacles or perspectives. It’s that we were curious, open, and non-judgemental. Right there. That’s the key to expansion – to life changing moments.
Of course, we are busy planning our next Kuel Life adventure and hope to bring this experience to even more women. But I am here to tell you you don’t have to wait for me. You can practice the key to expansion in your life every day. We are surrounded by individuals who could use our curiosity, compassion, and wisdom. Of course, I highly encourage you to join us on our next travel adventure. I now can promise you a life-expanding opportunity. Of course along with the sightseeing, tours, and shopping.Â
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