Imagine stumbling across a huge sale on designer dog food but you don't have a dog. Do you go ahead...
Recently I had an incredibly humbling experience. One which, paradoxically, left me more proud of myself than I have felt...
Currently I am working and hanging in Hanoi, Vietnam. It is challenging, to say the least, to manage the work/play/life...
Work. Life. Play. Whether I like it or not, these three elements of my one life are constantly battling for...
What happens when what you’ve been doing, successfully, stops working? Or, at least stops working the way it had been…...
Positive Aging Thought Leader: Maria Olsen This January, I was lucky enough to travel to Antarctica, my seventh continent. It...
Midlife Musings: Nancy Knight I don’t always look my best. Frankly, I’m reasonably confident I can be pretty when I...
Positive Aging Thought Leader: Maria Olsen Sometimes, sharing the world’s wonders with a travel partner can make for a more...
It’s My Time Now: Kavita Ahuja Like many of you, we decided to escape the frigid winter weather here in...
Women’s Health Kuel Thought Leader: Lisa King Women are three times more likely to experience constipation than men and this...
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