Beauty & Fashion Kuel Thought Leader: Gail Scott
I know this one will stir up some controversy because so many love the term “Capsule Wardrobe.”
The Term “Capsule Wardrobe”:
I get asked for it ALL THE TIME. But today, I am admitting to hating the term. While you gasp in disbelief, please keep an open mind as I explain why. With explanation, most of my clients admit that a capsule isn’t really what they want either.
“A true capsule is maybe 8-10 items that mix and match.”
First off, the term “Capsule Wardrobe” is often used when someone actually wants a harmonious wardrobe. A true capsule is maybe 8-10 items that mix and match.
That can be great for a trip, but most women do not want only 10 pieces in their closet. A harmonious wardrobe is one where most things mix and match with many other pieces, but can also include small modules or collections in particular colors that the wearer enjoys. This approach allows for a small or large wardrobe and some variety in pieces and colors versus the true capsule.
A Closet That Is So Limited:
A capsule can also be very boring. Due to the need to wear the pieces over and over again, the pieces are usually low-key, meaning, little to no embellishment, neutral colors, and few patterns, so that no one notices how often you are wearing the same garments.
A true fashionista will rarely be happy with a closet that is so limited. You may also find yourself “settling” for pieces to fit into the capsule rather than purchasing pieces that you truly love and that look best for you.
Wear and tear on the clothing can be a real issue for a capsule wardrobe. To truly wear these pieces over and over again, they will need to be of high quality, which usually means a higher price.
If they need dry cleaning, you also may be without pieces for days at a time, so ask yourself if you can live with that. And lastly, expect to do laundry quite regularly for the washable pieces, or else you may find yourself naked one morning. To me, this sounds like pressure, not freedom!
“Another negative for me is that I like to wear lots of colors.”
Parts Of Your Life:
A limited capsule may also not have pieces for all of the parts of your life. Our lives are dynamic in this season. I need clothing for travel, beach, pickleball, working at home, concerts, date nights, dining out, errands, dressy events like weddings, and fun with friends. If you only have a small capsule, you may find yourself having to rush out to purchase garments when you have somewhere different to go.
Another negative for me is that I like to wear lots of colors. Most capsules are built around neutrals, with possibly one palette color. I would be so disinterested in getting dressed with those options. For my style clients, we start with their best neutrals, then choose 2 or 3 colors to begin building their new wardrobe.
Over time, we add other colors from their palette to give them a complete wardrobe. This can be based on their absolute best colors, their preferences, and seasonal trends. I’ve included a graphic of how this looks for a client’s closet. Notice that we have their primary neutrals and a few of their best palette colors to begin (largest circles).
Then we add more of their color palette, but those colors also match back to the neutrals and other palette colors. Imagine the possibilities here!
Limiting Due To Seasonal Options:
Another consideration is that a true capsule is so condensed and specific that it may need updating at the same time, which can result in a big expense at one time. This could be due to weight loss or gain, lifestyle change, boredom, damage/wear to clothing, or trends. Are you willing to budget for this and go shopping for everything at once? That can be limiting due to seasonal options in stores.
Lastly, I like the freedom to add new pieces each season or pick up something that I come across that catches my eye. I enjoy keeping my wardrobe fresh by rotating pieces in and out as needed or desired.
Is this possible with a capsule? Maybe, but it can be difficult, as each piece needs to work with most of the others. There really isn’t a place for much creativity or fun with a capsule in my humble opinion, and you are locked into a certain look for some time. There are also style limitations, so if you enjoy wearing multiple styles, a capsule likely will not work well for you.
Let’s hear your opinions! I am curious to know how many of you TRULY want a capsule wardrobe.
And if you need help with color analysis or building a closet of clothing that you love, email me at ga**@yo************.com or check our options for help on the website,
Until next month, Happy Dressing!
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About the Author:
Gail is the Beauty & Fashion Editor for
As a 28 year veteran in the beauty industry, she is passionate about helping women to look their best and to express themselves in their outward appearance. She is also co-host of the Midlife Moxie podcast, available on all major platforms. Find Gail on IG: @gailsscott
Email: ga*******@be*******.net  If you would like more help with makeup application, check out Gail’s course on For some of her favorite beauty products (many used in these looks), click here.