We are excited to announce that Melinda Abrams will soon be offering her beautiful, handcrafted, silk scarves in our Kuel...
Barbara Shinn-Cunninham, a high-school friend, introduced us to Delia Lloyd (one of our Guest Bloggers). Kuel Life is a community...
KuelWomen are everywhere; even right next door. I have the good fortune to call this one a life-time, childhood friend....
This is Patsy Mickens. Patsy is a one of those women, who I met through a dear friend, that has...
Sally is part of our KuelWoman tribe and you can find her bird houses and art in our shopping section....
We couldn't very well ask women to bare their souls with/to us and not reciprocate. Could we? There is power...
This is Lori Ennis. A woman who embodies the energy 'home' for me. After 25 years of friendship, I still...
Heather's our first KuelWomen to participate in 'Share Your Story' who didn't 'have to' - as in she's not a...
I knew starting KuelLife was going to be challenging but I also knew, deep in my belly, that I would...
This is Leslie Perez. It is no coincidence that she and I (Jack) share the same last name. Could I...
Kuel Life is committed to normalizing aging for women. With more than 65 KL Thought Leaders, we bring you the latest, most relevant, HOT TOPICS to address the opportunities and challenges for women 50+.
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CopyRight© 2017-2024 | Kuel Life | Created By Kuel Life Developers Team.