Elder Care Thought Leader: Cynthia Perthuis Advocating for yourself is hard. Advocate For Yourself: It’s likely you’ve learned to advocate...
Elder Care Thought Leader: Cynthia Perthuis A caregiver is a person who takes care of someone who, because of an...
Elder Care Thought Leader: Cynthia Perthuis Let’s just rip the bandaid off the wound – Long-Term Care can seem expensive. ...
Elder Care Thought Leader: Cynthia Perthuis Are you, or someone you care about, declining to the point of needing additional...
Elder Care Expert: Cynthia Perthuis Who can ever forget Dolly Parton’s performance in the movie 9 to 5? "Working 9...
Elder Care Expert: Cynthia Perthuis Are you struggling with the idea of having a difficult discussion with your parent around...
Elderly Care Kuel Category Expert: Cynthia Perthuis Everybody I hang out with is playing pickleball. Said another way, I only...
Elder Care Expert: Cynthia Perthuis Are you caregiving for a loved one with dementia or another disease - a partner,...
Elderly Care Kuel Category Expert: Cynthia Perthuis In my last meeting with you, we talked about the warning signs of...
Elderly Care Kuel Category Expert: Cynthia Perthuis I don’t know about you, but for me, there is nothing scarier, as...
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