Here is Robin as she joins our Share Your Story.
KUEL LIFE: What are you pursuing now, after 50, that surprises you or might appear to others as if it’s come out of left field?
ROBIN: Starting this website, KUEL LIFE.
KUEL LIFE: What’s a typical day like for you?
ROBIN: Exercise, work, getting outdoors to enjoy the sunshine (or even the rain), sharing time with friends and family.
“I love being outdoors so I motivate myself by saying..”
KUEL LIFE: With what do you struggle?
ROBIN: Making even more time for self-care.
KUEL LIFE: How do you motivate yourself?
ROBIN: I love being outdoors so I motivate myself by saying, if you finish this then you can go for that run or kayak, or walk.
Giving Of Yourself:
KUEL LIFE: What advice would you give fellow women about aging?
ROBIN: Accept it, we are lucky to be here. If you are aging, you are alive!
KUEL LIFE: What does vulnerability mean to you? What has the ability to make you vulnerable?
ROBIN: Opening your heart and really giving of yourself. Wanting to share with others.
KUEL LIFE: What are three events that helped to shape your life?
ROBIN: Moving to California in the middle of high school, my dad dying when I was 20, getting married at 23.
“Smile, and the world will smile back.”
KUEL LIFE: Who influenced you the most in life and why?
ROBIN: My mom. Always nurturing and caring, she had the best advice during the lowest points in my life and to this day I still share her nuggets of wisdom with others going through hard or sad times.
Making A Difference:
KUEL LIFE: What is the best advice you’ve been given from another woman?
ROBIN: My grandmother once said, “Smile, and the world will smile back.”
KUEL LIFE: What woman inspires you and why?
ROBIN: I am inspired by so many women that it is hard to name one. If I have to name one I would say my mom inspires me daily even though she has passed away. And if I name someone who is still here making a difference I would say Ellen (Degeneres). She really practices the kindness she preaches and the world could sure use more tolerance and kindness.
Learning To Play The Harp:
KUEL LIFE: Are you a grown-up?
ROBIN: Thankfully, no 🙂
KUEL LIFE: What do you do for self-care?
ROBIN: Get a massage once a week and meditate 5-10 min a day.
KUEL LIFE: And last but definitely NOT least: What are the top three things on your bucket list?
ROBIN: Looking forward to heli-hiking a glacier in New Zealand, opening an animal sanctuary, and learning to play the harp.
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