Fashion Fridays, Kuel Life Thought Leader: Tracy Gold Finding well-fitting clothes for menopause and perimenopause can drive a girl crazy...
Fashion Fridays, Kuel Life Thought Leader: Tracy Gold I currenlty feel uniquely qualified for this article on perimenopause fashion tips....
Fashion Fridays, Kuel Life Thought Leader: Tracy Gold Fashion over fifty - during the transition from perimenopause through menopause and...
Beauty Thought Leader: Elise Marquam-Jahns This month we look at 2025 makeup trends for mature skin. Skin? I’m sure many of...
Fashion Fridays, Kuel Life Thought Leader: Tracy Gold Wonder about breaking fashion barriers after 50? How do we find our...
Fashion Fridays, Kuel Life Thought Leader: Tracy Gold Who knew that your bra size during menopause can change? Suddenly your...
Fashion Fridays, Kuel Life Thought Leader: Tracy Gold Remember the days when we were all squeezing into the low rise...
Fashion Fridays, Kuel Life Thought Leader: Tracy Gold Styling for menopause does not mean we wear only black clothes. As...
Fashion Fridays, Kuel Life Thought Leader: Tracy Gold Finding our new fashion over 50 does not have to cripple us...
Beauty Thought Leader: Elise Marquam-Jahns Today we prep for Sephora's semi-annual sale by testing new makeup products. I definitely do—but...
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