Thinking about making a change in your career? It may be a pivot that you are looking for—a pivot can...
Money Kuel Category Expert: Joy Alford-Brand As women of a certain age, we have a lot of physical issues to...
Fashion Kuel Category Expert: Jodie Filogomo Shopping has been getting a bad rap lately. There are buzz words that are...
Elderly Care Kuel Category Expert: Cynthia Perthuis Do you have a parent or older adult in your life that is...
Beauty Kuel Category Expert: Elise Marquam-Jahns The other day I was looking out the window at our backyard water feature....
I recently attended a women’s luncheon roundtable in an elegant midtown restaurant. Invited guests included entrepreneurs, business owners and financial...
Empty Nester Kuel Category Expert: Jennie Eriksen Let me start this brand new blog post by firstly introducing myself. My...
Connection Kuel Category Expert: Kay Newton Do you remember when you first met your partner? The first time the two...
Career Kuel Category Expert: Gayle Petrillo The Workforce has changed as many of you have noticed. If you are returning...
Kuel Life Contributor: Akaisha Kalderi I’m a little troubled. Twice now in the last year, two friends of almost 4...
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