Midlife Musing Kuel Life Contributor: Joanne Socha Thanks to my writing and my luxury travel business, I am able to...
Guest Blogger: Akaisha Kaderli “Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome” - Marine slogan What a year! We have heard from friends and...
From Retirement and Travel Expert, Akaisha KaderliLet's face it, Medical Tourism is definitely a hot topic. Rising health care costs...
Guest Blogger: Akaisha Kaderli Even before we met, as individuals, Billy and I have always loved to travel. I have written...
Guest Blogger: Akaisha Kaderli I’m a world traveler and I’m here to help. Grown adults from the U.S. and Canada...
Just this last week a dear friend of mine sent a last minute text to a small group of her...
When I began traveling the world almost 3 decades ago, none of my family or friends understood why I chose...
Guest Blogger:Akaisha Kaderli On occasion we meet people who say “I could never live the life you live; Traveling all...
Guest Blogger: Akaisha Kaderli While moving overseas isn't the answer to fulfilling everyone's retirement dream, more and more people are leaving...
Taking your teen to non-traditional locales may or may not make sense; a lot depends on what kind of kid...
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