Midlife Matters: Linda Butler Remember those mandatory fire drills at work or school? Reclaim Control Of Your Life: You'd drop...
Self-Discovery Thought Leader: Joan Senio Have you heard about oubaitori? No matter how hard we try, it can be difficult...
Blueprint Breaker: Amy Palmer Some women experience fear and anxiety during menopause. Let's face it, fear can be a real...
Simplicity & Connection Thought Leader: Kay Newton "Water is the new gold." – Anonymous Water is a precious resource, and...
Career Kuel Thought Leader: Gayle Petrillo I recently found my vision board in the back of the closet. I just...
Joy Kuel Thought Leader: Nina Obier Let's talk about how to incorporate gratitude in our lives. As we reach the...
Wildly Imperfect: Elaine Blais I live a wildly imperfect life, on purpose. That wasn’t always the case. I spend a...
Self-Discovery Thought Leader: Joan Senio Let's restore self-confidence after 50. It is natural to sometimes experience a decrease in self-confidence...
Food For Your Soul: Dawn McGee Do you feel life is too chaotic to focus on your health right now?...
Time To Reinvent: Beverley Glazer Navigating through midlife might feel like you're constantly finding your way through a maze. Midlife...
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