Midlife Pleasure: Ania Grimone It is Masturbation May. I dislike the word masturbation as it has so many negative connotations....
Money Thought Leader: Karen McAllister I have a life partner. He earns a lot more than I do. He is...
Momming Adult Kids: Denise Drinkwalter Hello Moms in midlife years, are you wondering, "Where am I now?" This may be...
Empowered Divorce Thought Leader: Beverly Price Divorce can often trigger feelings of shame due to the stigma that still surrounds...
Divorce and Transitions: Mardi Winder-Adams It is normal to be angry at people in your life as a part of...
For my entire motherhood career, I have lived in a place where the local large university graduates its students on...
Shelly is a therapeutic coach specializing in healing the Mother wound. She helps women who want to move beyond the...
Sexuality Thought Leader: Beth Keil Two months ago, my former husband had a cardiac arrest. When his heart stopped, he...
Kim Muench, Becoming Me Thought Leader "Dear Kim, I have four adult sons, two of whom are still living at...
Denise Drinkwalter is a sought-after international empowerment life coach who fully believes in the power of awareness, self-care, knowledge, and...
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