Midlife Musings: Debra Johnstone
How do we balance masculine and feminine energy during a full moon?
This morning I taught two yoga classes back to back at my local gym. I’m one of their stand in teachers and from time to time they call me to step in.
You’d think two back to back classes a synch for a teacher. So would I, especially on a full moon when our energy is at it’s peak. Yet when I got home I needed a nap and that’s exactly what I did.
It’s easy to just keep going during the full moon phase. Our hormones, although much lower than our younger years, are at their highest at this time in the moon cycle. This also means our energy levels are often elevated too.
The Full Moon Can Be The Time We Have Difficultly Sleeping:
Our mind wants to keep going even though we feel tired. The full moon is the summer of the moon cycle, related to the fire element and it’s a masculine energy. It’s all about doing, ticking off the task list, manifesting, and achieving.
When I teach yoga during the full moon phase the flows are much more dynamic and strength building. So no wonder I needed a nap after two back to back classes, especially as I don’t get to do Yoga Nidra like everyone in the class.
I could have just pushed through and kept going, but I didn’t and here’s why.
“Our mind wants to keep going even though we feel tired.”
Even though we’re in a masculine energy phase, we are always a balance of both masculine and feminine. Yes, we are predominantly in the phase of doing, but that doesn’t mean that the feminine doesn’t need to be honored when she calls.
By ignoring the body’s needs we risk burnout. And if you’re anything like me, I’m sure you want to thrive as you age.
Listening To The Body During Hectic Times Brings Back Balance:
It’s easy to overdo it during the full moon, because we often feel so motivated and productive. But menopausal and post menopause women are more susceptible to burnout because of the changes in hormone levels. This means we must listen to our body’s needs even more so in our second half of life.
Listening is a feminine quality. By heeding our body’s needs and acting on that, we embrace the feminine. That might mean doing absolutely nothing at all sometimes, even napping during the day. And that’s totally okay.
What Honoring The Feminine Energy During Full Moon Looks Like:
Feminine energy is all about being. That doesn’t mean we do absolutely nothing for long periods of time. But it does mean we need to be mindful of balancing outward actions with inward nurturing.
During the full moon our energy leans predominantly into outward actions, with just a smaller amount of inward nurturing. But that portion is still important. If we look to a yoga flow for instance, a dynamic flow for 50 minutes is always concluded with deep relaxation for 10 minutes.
Ways To Honor The Feminine Energy:
Creating a morning self care ritual which includes meditation, breath work or Yoga Nidra is a wonderful way to inwardly nurture. Sit in nature and place your feet in the earth. Be mindful of the elements; the breeze on your skin, the sun on your face, listen to gentle sounds around you.
“Remembering also that the full moon is the fire element so including this in our practices is helpful.”
Take a bath at the end of the day or put your feet in a stream feeling into the movement of the water. Lye on the couch, close your eyes and just allow time to pass by. Even take a nap during the day.
Remember also that the full moon is the fire element so including this in our practices is helpful. That might mean writing a note of what we’d like to let go of and burning the note. Maybe stare into a candle during meditation or relax by a fire.
No matter our gender, we all have a delicate balance of both masculine and feminine energies. By honoring both we bring back balance. Listen to the clues your body gives you, it never lies.
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About the Author:
Deb Johnstone is a Transformational Mindset Coach and a Midlife Transition Mentor. Experiencing midlife transition herself, she wanted work with more meaning and started her coaching practice in 2012.
After the death of her father in 2019 and processing her grief, Deb experienced a deep loss of self where her identity felt challenged. It was through this that she felt the calling to work with women in this phase of life.
It is now her mission to support women to transition midlife and beyond feeling confident, empowered and free to be your true self and live the life you want and deserve.
You can connect with Deb on Facebook through The Empowered MidLife Woman where she posts insights daily, or connect with her through her website.