Parent Coach for Moms of Teens: Fern Weis Social anxiety for me was real. At 16, I often found myself...
Positive Aging Thought Leader: Maria Leonard Olsen I was feeling a bit blue and decided to do something about it...
Midlife Pleasure: Ania Grimone Orgasmic? You say you don’t orgasm, but do you? I find it curious that we can...
Kate Wells is a hormone expert and true biochem nerd who has been educating practitioners about hormones for many years....
Midlife & Beyond Dating: Illa Lynn What is about midlife romance? It is commonly believed by self-proclaimed love experts that...
Blueprint Breaker: Amy Palmer Last month, I highlighted 5 Ways Podcasting Has Changed My Life. 5 Easy Steps On How...
Fashion accessories can be key! You go to your closet and rifle through your pieces of clothing, trying to pull...
Midlife Transformation: LauraJo Richins In this article, I continue from my last article about Human Design, Introduction to Human Design...
Kim Muench, Becoming Me Thought Leader "HELP! I often find myself extremely worried about my 21-year-old daughter’s future. For example,...
Your Money Journey: Lisa Sakai Do you ever feel overwhelmed when it comes to managing your finances? You're not alone....
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