Mardi Winder-Adams is A Divorce Transition Coach. Let's all welcome her to the Kuel Life Community. Whether we like it...
Sexuality Thought Leader: Beth Keil As a midlife woman, you’ve witnessed how this culture and its programming changes regularly. Think...
Career Kuel Thought Leader: Gayle Petrillo Congratulations, You’ve landed your ideal job! "The challenge now is to keep learning and...
Grief Kuel Thought Leader: Lisa Michelle Zega April holds the deaths of three important people - my sister, fiancé, and...
Midlife & Beyond Dating: Illa Lynn Women in midlife are finding it challenging to navigate the dating market and are...
Sexuality Thought Leader: Beth Keil Where did your imagination just go? If you’re still reading, it went somewhere! Get Turned...
Elder Care Thought Leader: Cynthia Perthuis Are you, or someone you care about, declining to the point of needing additional...
Grief Thought Leader: Lisa Michelle Zega Our culture seeks to heal the heart with the head. We think if we...
Gray Divorce Thought Leader: Jenn Krusinski Are we seeking unhealthy relationships or are they seeking us? Grab a pen and...
Parent Coach for Moms of Teens: Fern Weis Does everything feel like a crisis? That used to be me. Anytime...
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