Midlife Reinvention Thought Leader: Yvonne Marchese It was a cold morning. I drove to the beach, bundled up, expecting to...
Divorce and Transitions: Mardi Winder-Adams In the emotional turmoil, divorce invariably brings, mediation emerges as an option to generate rationality...
Blueprint Breaker: Amy Palmer November is my birthday month. It’s also the month where I put in extra effort to...
Sexuality Thought Leader: Beth Keil Women, through the years, have spoken about their intimate relationships, especially at the beginning. They...
As I drove back from my son’s home in Boone, North Carolina to my home in Chapel Hill this past...
Midlife & Beyond Dating: Illa Lynn This is for you if you are avoiding opening your heart to love due...
Midlife Musings: Debra Johnstone This year, as part of my 60th birthday celebration, I am fortunate enough to be experiencing...
Kim Muench, Becoming Me Thought Leader "Help! I’d like some guidance on how to deal with my feelings of disappointment....
Empowered Divorce Thought Leader: Beverly Price Has domestic violence hit your home? Or someone you care about? Identifying Patterns And...
Parent Coach for Moms of Teens: Fern Weis The road to hell is definitely paved with good intentions and this...
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