We all are hard-wired, in some way or another. Right? For all of my life – for however long I...
Elder Care Thought Leader: Cynthia Perthuis Advocating for yourself is hard. Advocate For Yourself: It’s likely you’ve learned to advocate...
Grief Kuel Thought Leader: Lisa Michelle Zega Grief and love are often seen as opposites, but what if they are...
Time To Reinvent: Beverley Glazer Ladies, let's talk about life. It's a roller coaster ride, isn't it? One day we're...
Midlife Matters Thought Leader: Julie DeLucca-Collins Running a business can be challenging under the best of circumstances. But when you're...
Divorce and Transitions: Mardi Winder-Adams Anger is a common emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. Feeling...
Midlife & Beyond Dating: Illa Lynn No doubt that today’s dating market is full of interesting characters. Your nightly swiping...
Positive Aging Thought Leader: Maria Olsen First things first: Why am I no longer a helicopter mother? Because my children...
Momming Adult Kids: Denise Drinkwalter This question rarely comes across my desk: "When does it feel better?" "When our adult...
Joy Kuel Thought Leader: Nina Obier Communication is an essential part of our daily lives. It helps us connect with...
Kuel Life is committed to normalizing aging for women. With more than 65 KL Thought Leaders, we bring you the latest, most relevant, HOT TOPICS to address the opportunities and challenges for women 50+.
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