#KuelWoman, Lori C. Ennis shared this Ted Talk with me and I am a complete believer. In part, my own need for...
Could there be anything better than having your girl friend be your business partner? Launching a new venture can be...
I'm 53 and according to Duke University economist Peter Ubel, I'm at the bottom of the U-Bend curve of Life (Happiness)....
Think of it as a financial decision, not an emotional one. USNews reports that even though overall divorce rates are...
“Providing financial support to anyone, but especially to an adult child, can have tremendous consequences for retirement and estate planning,”...
There's no better time to address this pulled-in-every-direction generation. The "sandwich generation" is made up of the people who are...
Many couples reaching the milestone of 50 years and beyond may feel a sense of accomplishment for having weathered the...
"When your children reach their 20s, the balance of connection between you and them seesaws." "The challenge becomes how to...
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