Self-Discovery Thought Leader: Joan Senio As women over 50, we have a wealth of wisdom, experience, passion and expertise that...
After three “lightning strike” experiences in 2018 - a cancer diagnosis, shutting down a business venture, and empty nesting as...
Career Kuel Thought Leader: Gayle Petrillo If you are like me, imposter syndrome plagued me when I first started my...
Your Money Journey: Lisa Sakai Are you one of those people who cringe at retirement? Do you believe that retirement...
Healthy Living Strategies Kuel Category Expert: Diana Devi Hey there! We're living in some pretty exciting times, especially for women...
Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of tasks, with your to-do list crashing against your sanity like a...
LauraJo Richins is a dedicated Female Empowerment Specialist and Transformologist® with a corporate finance and administration background. Having embraced her...
Business Starter Thought Leader: Monica Allen When you have that business idea and you decide to take it on, the...
Wendy Deacon and I crossed paths years ago at the height of the pandemic. Our paths crossed almost daily as...
Midlife Matters Thought Leader: Julie DeLucca-Collins During our recent group coaching call, I talked with some of my clients, who...
Kuel Life is committed to normalizing aging for women. With more than 65 KL Thought Leaders, we bring you the latest, most relevant, HOT TOPICS to address the opportunities and challenges for women 50+.
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