Chris Freytag, Owner of Get Healthy U TV posted this workout on Instagram. We think it's a wonderful addition to all...
Spend six minutes with Kristen Polzien and walk away refreshed. Enjoy this restorative practice to release your psoas- the deep...
Most of us have too much sedentary time. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to change an ingrained habit. Let me...
A small, three-month, study conducted in Canada suggests that women who exercise outdoors are more likely to stay committed and...
'Cardio is King' days are over. Especially for women 45 and older. Strength training is essential in maintaining bone density...
Tennis What it works: Legs, butt, shoulders, back, arms, and core Why it's cool: You get your dose of vitamin D...
PUSH YOUR WEIGHT AROUND! To lose body fat, every woman MUST add some resistance training to their workout regime. Your...
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